Wednesday, June 10, 2009

May Day

men avoiding maypole duty

some people will hide anywhere to get out of doing Maypole duty!

these guys are lucky they didn't end up falling on the ground!

jenn & deb wreath making experts

these captions don't match up!!!

close up on the maypole after it's wound

How the Maypole looks after it's done

friends around the May Pole! It's getting dark!

my daughter Jasmin and her boyfriend Sean

May Day is an old pagan holiday also known as Beltaine. It celebrates the arrival of Spring, and the warmth and fertility of the earth, hence the may pole. Anyway, you can read more about it on wikipedia
It is also an international day to celebrate workers' rights (if there are any of those any more).

Our good friends the McKanns used to have a May day party every year when they lived down here in Southern California, and they still do celebrate up in lovely Washington, but when they moved away we decided to pick up the torch and start having this annual event in our backyard. Several of our friends have attended many of these parties and are now experts in wreath making and the setting up of may poles! It's such a great time!

This year we had 5 ladies from Scotland staying here who were on their way to Tribal Fest! Here are some of the pictures from the party, you can also look at picasa for more pictures and videos of the our friends dancing and drumming too!

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